Yahsin Huang
Yahsin Huang is a community builder in the blockchain space. Her focus has been on exploring how the democratization of digital tools empowers individuals. Previously, she was the operations manager at HashCloak. She founded the RadicalxChange Taipei chapter, co-organized the Taipei Ethereum Meetup events, and contributed to several technology media outlets. Yahsin has participated in major Ethereum conference events since 2016, including DevCon in Prague, Czech Republic; EDCON in Sydney, Australia, and, more recently, Devconnect in Amsterdam; EthCC in Paris, France; EthDenver in Colorado, USA. She covered Taiwan’s Maker Movement in 2014 and hundreds of open-source developer activities in 2013 as a magazine journalist. She has a bachelor’s degree in English literature from National Dong Hwa University.
Yahsin Huang 黃雅信 台北以太坊社群共同組織者、RadicalxChange Taipei 社群發起人。曾任加拿大區塊鏈新創 HashCloak 營運。關注科技趨勢、新媒體藝術及網路新創,文章作品散見 Make 國際中文版雜誌、Event 活動平台雜誌、數位時代雜誌、Meet 創業小聚網站。畢業於國立東華大學英美語文學系。