Cayman introduced Lodestar: Eth2 in the Web at Taipei Ethereum Meetup July Event

The Taipei Ethereum Meetup online meetup event held on Friday (7/10) that I helped facilitate was a lot of fun. It was a beautiful Friday morning 10:00 a.m. in Taipei, which was Thursday evening for Cayman, our Dallas-based speaker. I later thought that it was actually perfect timing for a lot of blockchain developers in Taiwan, because a lot of them were able to hop on an on-going call. Apparently, a lot of our community folks thought listening to an introduction of Eth2 projects is a great way to start a Friday work day!
Watch the livestream-ed YouTube video.
Event description
Event description originally published on Taipei Ethereum’s event page:
Are you looking to get involved with Eth2? The web can be a great place to start. Cayman will be demoing several web tools built using Lodestar and showing how they fit together in the larger Eth2 universe. Join to see how easy Eth2 can be and get inspired. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.

Cayman Nava is a passionate open-source advocate and software developer of 8 years. He is interested in the social applications of Ethereum and bringing liberating technology to the hands of the people. In 2015-2016, he co-organized the Silicon Valley Ethereum Meetup. Currently, He is the technical lead of Lodestar, an Eth2 client and software ecosystem written in Typescript. Lodestar is sponsored and managed by ChainSafe Systems.

Introduction script
Below is a slightly edited script of the 2-minute introduction I did at the beginning of the event:
Welcome to the Taipei Ethereum Meetup event. I’m delighted to be here, I’m delighted to see you here! So I’m going to start by giving you a little introduction of the speaker today. Today we have a very special guest. I’m pleased to welcome Cayman Nava to our meetup. I met Cayman at EthCC, the Ethereum Community Conference, in March this year in Paris, France.
Cayman is a technical lead on the Lodestar project. Lodestar is an Eth2 client written in TypeScript. It’s essentially a TypeScript implementation of the Ethereum 2.0 specification and it is developed by ChainSafe Systems. ChainSafe Systems is a Toronto-based blockchain research and development firm contributing to Ethereum 2.0. So most of the team members I think are based in Toronto, Canada. But Cayman is currently located in Texas, USA. So we’re having this video call with some of the folks in Texas, in Toronto and in Taiwan.
Today Cayman will give us a few demos, introducing several web tools built using Lodestar, and he’ll be showing how they fit together in the larger Eth2 world. There will be plenty of time for QA, so if you have comments or questions, go ahead and drop us a message or comment right now. You can do that on the YouTube livestream link. So Cayman, take it away!
- Cayman’s presentation slides “Lodestar: Eth2 in the Web”
- Lodestar on Github:
- Lodestar / Eth2 Ecosystem on HackMD
- Web tools - BLS Keygen, Simple Serialize, ENR App: